Tuesday, December 18, 2018

FBDK 8.0 Release

Release 8.0 of the FBDK/FBRT is now available at https://www.holobloc.com/fbdk8/ (the numbering is to emphasize that it requires JDK 8 or higher).
Please be sure to read https://www.holobloc.com/fbdk8/whatsnew.htm for a description of several new and useful features (and one important caveat).

Friday, November 2, 2018

Network Setup for FBDK+FBRT

A new set of guidelines is available for setting up network and firewall parameters for ease of launching distributed systems and remote devices with the FBDK and FBRT: https://www.holobloc.com/doc/fbdk3/networking.htm.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

FBDK 3.3 Release

In addition to clickable documentation links, the FBDK now generates hoverable pop-up documentation (derived from comments in the XML document) for graphical elements in the PNG diagrams produced using the "Save as HTML" function. For a user-oriented overview, see the FBNavigator home page, and for instructions on producing the HTML documentation, see  https://www.holobloc.com/doc/fbdk3/howtodoc.htm.

If you are already using FBDK 3.2, this update will auto-load at startup; otherwise, you can follow the instructions at  https://www.holobloc.com/fbdk3/index.htm.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Security Upgrade and FBDK 3.2 release

The holobloc.com website has been upgraded to use the HTTPS (secure HTTP) protocol for all served documents.

This has required an extensive update to the FBDK to convert its use of HTTP to HTTPS for auto updates, help pages, etc.

For additional details of new features in FBDK 3.2 see https://www.holobloc.com/fbdk3/whatsnew.htm

Friday, January 26, 2018

FBDK 3.0 Release

FBDK 3.0 is now available at http://www.holobloc.com/fbdk3/. New features include:
  1. The FBDK and FBRT now support the following experimental features:
  2. Validation tools are provided for ECCs and FB Types to guide development and prevent compilation of incorrect or incomplete elements.
  3. The progress bar has been relocated to the upper right corner of the Library Navigator and its operation has been properly synchronized to the running background process.